Are flip-flops bad for your feet?

We can’t tell you the amount of times we’ve been asked: “are flip-flops bad for your feet?” And now that the summer months are here and the days are getting hotter, there’s nothing nicer than wearing footwear that allows your feet to feel the sun, sand and sea. But there are a few rules for flip-flops that will help keep your feet healthy and happy all summer.

Avoid super cheap flip-flops

Although it’s tempting to pick up a cheap pair of flip-flops and wear them all summer: give them a miss. Cheaper, mass-produced flip flops don’t offer a proper fit, and can often be flimsy, thin, and dangerous. If you’ve ever had a flip-flop strap snap on you mid-dash down a pebbly beach, you’ll know exactly what we mean!

Are flip-flops bad for your feet?

Get fitted properly

Just as you would with a regular shoe, you can also get fitted properly for flip-flops, too! From size and shape, to support, it’s important to get it right to avoid injuries and sprains. 

Have alternatives to hand

Flip-flops are best for short journeys or casual wear to take you from your sun-lounger to the pool. They’re not the best for longer walks due to the lack of foot support that they offer. Always make sure to have well-fitting footwear on hand such as trainers, walking boots or even sandals or slides. As always, make sure your footwear is properly fitted for you to prevent injuries. 

So, there you have it. Although flip-flops aren’t the best footwear of choice, they certainly do come in handy for very occasional wear provided you take extra precautions. 

Need some help or advice?
Give us a call today on 01226 759 660 or contact us here to book your appointment at our Darfield clinic.