Answering your FAQ’s on Plantar Fasciitis

Today we’re going to be answering your FAQ’s on Plantar Fasciitis to conclude our mini series on this bothersome issue that so many of us have and will experience. 

Missed any of our last posts? Don’t worry! You can find them all here:
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
5 tips to get relief from Plantar Fasciitis at home
How a Podiatrist can treat Plantar Fasciitis

women's feet on a brown rock

Let’s begin answering your FAQ’s on Plantar Fasciitis.

Why have I got Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis can be caused by a number of reasons. Some of which include: standing or sitting for long periods of time, exercising on hard surfaces, being overweight and wearing poorly-fitting footwear. 

How can I prevent Plantar Fasciitis?

First and foremost, consider your footwear carefully. You need to make sure you’re wearing well cushioned footwear that support your foot and arch. 

Before exercising, make sure you warm up and stretch properly to avoid injury, and try to do low-impact exercises like swimming over running.

How long will Plantar Fasciitis last?

Usually, Plantar Fasciitis resolves by itself within 6-18 months with self-care at home. However, it can last much longer and become a chronic condition. It’s important to speak to your Podiatrist if you’re struggling with Plantar Fasciitis – you may need specialist care which will help you get the relief you deserve.

Should I lose weight to get relief?

If you’re overweight, it’s always a great idea to healthily lose the extra weight. This reduces the pressure on your Plantar Fascia, which will in turn give you some relief.  

What is the best painkiller to take?

Ibuprofen is a great over the counter medication for Plantar Fasciitis pain. NSAIDs like this (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) work by blocking your body’s production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. In turn, this decreases swelling and eases pain.

Alternatively, your GP may prescribe a medication called Naproxen which is also an NSAID.

Can I still exercise if I have Plantar Fasciitis?

Yes! It’s as important to keep moving as it is to rest when it comes to Plantar Fasciitis. As we mentioned above, go for low impact exercises like swimming. Also, make sure you do your stretches as recommended by your Podiatrist (you can find them in this post here.)

I’ve got back pain – is this caused by my Plantar Fasciitis?

Sometimes, perhaps, due to the change in your posture (as you try to avoid the pain), you can experience back pain with Plantar Fasciitis.

What’s the best thing to do if I think I have Plantar Fasciitis?

Call your Podiatrist and arrange an appointment to go see them. They’ll be able to offer you a diagnosis and treatment options. 

We really hope you’ve enjoyed our mini post series on Plantar Fasciitis and that it’s been helpful.

Don’t forget that we’re always here for you if you need us. Give us a call today on 01226 759 660 or contact us here to book your appointment.