Keep your feet cosy this winter

Keep your feet cosy this winter

Ready to keep your feet cosy this winter?

We know, the year is flying by, isn’t it? Winter is officially on the way and the dark nights are drawing in. And although we’re looking forward to those cosy, warm evenings at home with a hot chocolate and a good book, it’s important to remember to keep a check on our feet through the chilly season. After all, the colder weather along with those chunky socks and winter boots can contribute to conditions like chilblains and fungal infections.

Layer up on socks

Keep your feet cosy this winter with layering! Building layers helps to retain more heat than adding just one pair of chunky socks, so, try two pairs of thinner socks the next time your feet are feeling the cold.

Alternate your footwear

In the winter months, we sometimes get attached to the same old pair of boots that fit like a dream and keep us cosy all day. But it’s important to allow your footwear to air properly after a day of wear. Moist environments are the perfect space for bacterial and fungal infections – so by alternating your footwear (and making sure to wear clean, dry socks every day) you’re decreasing the risk.

Wear cushioned shoes

Wearing cushioned, comfortable shoes is a must all year around. Make sure your shoes offer good arch support and that they fit correctly. If in doubt, get professionally measured to ensure a great fit.

Stay hydrated and well-moisturised

Dry skin can become sore and cracked, which is why it’s especially important to stay hydrated and well moisturised. Hydrate from the inside out by drinking plenty of water, and make sure to use a nourishing body moisturiser to keep skin supple, soft and healthy.

Take a maintenance check

Having a regular maintenance appointment with your local podiatrist is a great way to keep your feet looking and feeling their best. From toenail cutting to spotting any issues, your local podiatrist will keep your foot health on track. 

Ready to book an appointment or ask for some advice? 
Call us today on 01226 759660 or contact us here