We are so pleased to welcome a new addition to our clinic: Jon Chapman Sports Massage.
Contrary to popular belief, this type of massage isn’t actually just for athletes! Whether you have a muscular skeletal injury or simply want to increase your muscle condition and flexibility: sports massage techniques can be truly life-altering.
Proven to release and reduce tension in muscles, the massage is highly beneficial to promote recovery and reduce the chances of muscle injury. Alongside this, it’s also proven to increase circulation and helps to remove waste products within the body (like lactic acid).
Helping with a variety of injuries, muscle aches, and chronic pain, Jon’s extensive knowledge and expertise spans treatments including:
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Myofascial Release
Muscle Energy Technique
Micro Current Technology
Taping for sports and pain relief
Dry Cupping
Call us on 01226 759 660 to book your appointment, or message us here, and discover how Jon can help you today.